Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jamie Lynn Spears' Casey Aldridge: I'm Not A Cheater!

Thanks to my idol Perez Hilton for this cool cover photo of Jamie Lynn Spears and cute boyfriend/ father-of-her-kid Casey Aldrige.

The story here is that Casey Aldridge is supposedly NOT cheating on the younger Spears girl. Yeah right! I have yet to meet a guy who will actually admit to cheating. If he did that he'd be stupid though. Honest but stupid. Nevertheless, he withholds his confirmation of what everybody is talking about so then there is always the, "maybe he's innocent" case although I really REALLY doubt it.

Casey Aldridge has been rumored to have cheated on Jamie Lynn for an older woman-- Kelly Dawson and Whitney Seals, even after it got out the Jamie Lynn was pregnant with their baby Maddie Briann.

What kind of name is that? Never mind.

I guess as a couple they do have a right to defend themselves in front of the public eye after being so brutally harassed over tabloids. They are after all, in a relationship - being a family and all. So good luck to you guys.

But I still think he cheated on her!

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