Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shia Labeouf Apologizes For A Youtube Video Where He's Caught Saying "Faggot!"

I don't think it's a big deal. So Shia Labeouf likes using profanity from time to time. It's not like he does it on the big screen (or small screen). It was a joke among friends in a private party. Somebody just wanted to make some money off him being caught off-guard. I wouldn't say this is a video scandal like it's being promoted in the news. So he used a gay slur. Give him a break.

I guess he's just concerned about his image, starring in Indiana Jones and all. The homosexual community is very influential. I do believe it's not worth crossing them.

But there are very few note-worthy role models these days. I mean Miley Cyrus goes half-naked while Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan end up in disastrous circumstances. I think Shia Labeouf is just getting caught by the stampede. But no biggie I think. Leave the cutie alone!

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