Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Janet Jackson's Right Boobie Doesn't Get Fined

In a recent turn of events relating to Janet Jackson's breast-baring "wardrobe malfunction" at the 2004 Super Bowl alongside Justin Timberlake, the FCC or Federal Communications Commission decided to throw out the half a million indecency charge.

I had always thought they (they meaning the network, CBS & Janet Jackson) were going to end up paying for it as it was rather obvious that it was planned - the sexy "malfunction" but apparently it has been considered "fleeting, isolated or unintended" imagery which should not automatically be considered indecent according to CBS anyway. Although it is rather coincidental that Janet Jackson just had that shiny star covering on her right nipple don't you think?

Well I have nothing against that I'm sure there have been worse. If you want to relive the 2004 super bowl breast-baring incident please feel free to view the video right here

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