Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ashlee Simpson And Pete Wentz Got Married Because Ashlee Is Pregnant!

Typical! Ashlee Simpson and Fall Out Boy bassist, Pete Wentz got hitched because Ashlee was pregnant! And we were so concerned about Ashlee beating out older sister Jessica. Well at least now we know why. The "we're-so-in-love" reason is just so lame now. I knew there had to be a pretty good reason behind getting married so soon.

And they even tried to deny the pregnancy! Blech! But anyway, moving on -- Ashlee got her "Alice in Wonderland" themed reception at her parents' Los Angeles area home

Hurray to the newly happy (?) married couple who will be having a baby soon! Next time don't deny it kids. What was that famous line my friends used to say to me, oh I got it --- "Kids don't wait, masturbate!"

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