Saturday, May 3, 2008

Miley Cyrus Defenders To The Rescue - Watch Out Here Come Madonna And Tyra Banks

Miley Cyrus is said to back to her "wholesome" image and Disney studios is making an effort to make sure this takes place fast and painless. But a couple of Miley Cyrus Defenders have come out to go on record and say that Miley Cyrus did no harm (now didn't I tell you it was okay?)

Here they are:
  • Madonna who has an 11-year old that adores Miley Cyrus on an MTV interview said, "I just want to go on record and say everyone should just leave her alone. I never represented anything wholesome in America [so] I only had one way to go.

    "People are just bored. Leave the poor girl alone. She’s going to grow up soon, she’s going to probably show her knees next — watch out!”

  • Tyra Banks also had her comments, “She is a 15-year-old and I just wish everybody would leave her alone.”
Well if Miley Cyrus has this much fire power on her side of the court I think she's going to be just fine.

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